Poverty in India....

Written By ... Praveen kumar
Poverty in India is remain increasing day by day at the rate which we can't imagine . Nowadays about two third people of India are under the threat of poverty . Poverty is humiliation the sense of being dependent on other , and of being forced to accept rudeness , insults and indifference when seek help .

In simplest word , we can say that poverty is a social condition where individuals do not have financial means to meet the most basic needs of life like food , clothes and shelter . Poverty is also staves people off from accessing much needed social tools of well being like education and health requirements . It arises many problems like malnutrition and susceptibility to disease .

Today about 7.25 crore people are under poverty they are only who have no home and they sustain their life on footpath .In past year our government targeted to bring poverty rate of India to 10 percent but only six states seems to set that data . Goa is the only state where poverty rate is around 5 percent   and remaining states are far from the target .

Earlier poverty is in terms of food and shelter but now poverty's terms get changed and poverty also includes education and employment . So it's our government responsibility to meet all the solution of the problem of people . But all knows how the performance of today's state and central government is going .

According to the World Bank, India accounted for the world's largest number of poor people in 2012 using revised methodology to measure poverty, reflecting its massive population .

Poverty is a worldwide cause of concern in economically stable country like U.S.A . On the behalf of current statistics that over 3 billion people are forced to live on less than 2.5 dollar per day . In India this condition is very much bad , there are many factors of poverty like unbalance economic poor agriculture infrastructure . Agriculture is the backbone of our country . But we are not utilizing the technique for agriculture which help farmer to make more benefits . Second reason unequal distribution of assets , Unemployment about 77% of families do not have a regular source of income .  There are too many factors are also like illiteracy rate , outdated social customs etc.
But this is the responsibility of our government to pay attention towards there but all time they are indulging in their internal matters and they do not try to solve problems they only think how to make money for himself only . 
I need a world where no child will sleep with a empty belly because they are our future but our future is die everyday 


हज़ारो मुशायरे सुने होंगे गरीबो के , कभी उनकी इन्तहा नहीं देखी होगी | ............... à¤ª्रवीण कुमार 

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