Lock Down is not for VIPs ?


As we are watching that the situation is now getting worse due to some people and they are taking their responsibility seriously but who make them understand that virus not discriminate between rich and poor but they are not ready to stay at home and just trying to earn some fake fame and popularity but some are just showing off and can be result to spread coronavirus .
 Many people in many states are just violating curfew to check the status of coronavirus for just name . In this regard police of Chandigarh also tweeted that no naming and shaming should be tolerable . This is very shameful that one side our government is trying to save Billions of life by hook and crook but on other side many of Civilised society or you can say VIPs are continually going for morning and evening walk they have no fear Lock down means nothing for themselves . How can they left their show off ? 
Now let's have look on VIP wedding took place in strict lock down , 
What lock down ? Kumaraswamy goes ahead with grand son's wedding as planned
Raveena Tandon slams Nikhil Kumaraswamy's wedding amid lockdown
social distancing violation during kumaraswamy son wedding in ...
They are maintaining social distancing according to him
On one side whole world is suffering from this pandemic situation (Corona Virus) but where almost all events and tournament got cancelled and shifted on other dates all people of whole country are quarantined  but VIPs are VIPs they had no impact on themselves and they can not shift their schedule . Despite drawing criticism over his insistence to go ahead with son Nikhil's planned wedding in the middle of a pandemic , kumaraswamy are saying that they took all possible caution and there are only 50 person take part in wedding but the picture came from wedding is saying something not quite all different as they are saying . But a thing to notice there are almost 10 photographers and all people not maintaining social distance and there are almost 250-300 people in wedding only some had wearing mask . Question arises that how police of Karanataka allowed to have this grand wedding take place where 300 people gathered and this is also responsibility of ex-PM who is present here .
This is how police punish anyone
 But this is a wedding of VIP so no police will take any action and be a silent audience . After watching all this news they came and say that we are inviting 10 lakh people and seeing all this situation we only invite some people and also organise wedding in a Green area but who tell him you are not from green area and can be spread infection here also . Karnataka deputy Chief Minister Ashwath Narayan has said that stern action will be taken against the violators. “Even after a lot of warning and intimation, many kinds of violations have happened and we need to find out and suitable action will be taken,” he said. If these kind of violation will be done by any starved worker or civilian then police gave them punishment on road but when a vip done this same then Police also remain a silent audience and let them gone . Don't make such kind of difference treat all same because all are human.
 Again all people are requested to stay at home to save your family and other from infection because it can't make difference at any level.
"When the stomach is full it makes no difference between poor and rich " so keep helping poor people in this lock down because they needs you . 
Jai Hind

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  1. Nice blog dude indeed it's very true. There is no denying in that. When any labour or commoner violates the law then police spank them with sticks but when this done by VIP then they don't take any strict action. They just watch them in completely silence this is a sort of discrimination.
