Now discuss about trials of vaccine. In Pre-clinical trials vaccine tested on animals if it will give best result then we will move on phase-I trials in this vaccine given to some volunteers around 100 people and record their results so on if Phase-II will be successful then vaccine given to larger chunk of people(thousands of people ) then WHO testify vaccine and approved for clinical use. This is very long process while Phase-II is very very important.
There is good news for everyone that USA and China's vaccine entered in Phase-III it means now vaccine will be tested on 30,000 volunteers if it will be successful than it became easy to fight with corona. On 27th July vaccine phase-III trial will start in USA.
What is the candidate vaccine being developed in Russia?

There is only candidate vaccine developed in Russia which reached the human trial stage. That candidate vaccine developed by the Gamalei National research center for Epidemiology and Microbiology , in partnership with Russian defence ministry , had began phase-I trials on June 18 with 18 volunteers from armed forces having chosen for administering vaccine.
So now , Will Russian Phase-II and Phase-III trial will succeed or not ? It will not guaranteed that it will succeed or not , it will take couple of months for Phase-II trial so the success can only be ascertained after the completion of Phase-II.It will not confirmed that Russian vaccine entered in Phase-III trial but a emergency vaccine developed by China.
What happen after Phase-III trial?
There are over 150 candidate vaccines for Coronavirus being developed all over the world half of these are still in pre-clinical stage. About 15 vaccines are phase-I trial , 10 are in phase-II trial and only 3 are phase-III trials. Even after the successful completion of phase-III , it usually takes several months before a vaccine is accessible to a general pubic . Several rounds of regulatory and administrative approvals are required. That is why several scientists and even WHO officials have been maintaining that it would be take least 12-18 months before any Coronavirus vaccine is able to hit the market.
So now I think that Russia completely hadn't made a vaccine there are several trials which are remaining to be success , But its a good news that Russian vaccine shows better results initial trials. Another thing is Indian Covid-19 vaccine ( COVAXIN ) enters in Phase-II trials. According to reports Indian vaccine will available on 15th August. Now let's watch what happen.
Now what do you think when we will get a vaccine to vanish Coronavirus? If any suggestion write in Comment section
Jai Hind