India is now under lock down

As we all know that the threat of novel corona virus is increasing day by day and it now crosses the number 500 it till now increasing so after watching all the worse condition in India PM Narender Modi announces for 21 days complete lock down in India from midnight . But we are not taking it seriously and many people are continually migrating to their hometown or leaving where they are living which is not good for themselves and for loving ones . So stay at your home where ever you are and be safe at your home if we are not taking it seriously then it will became a epidemic for us and their is no way to detect the chain of effected person . We are now in 2nd stage and at this stage it is easy to control all the situation and if we reach 3rd stage then it will difficult to take control over it . Complete lock down is a essential step to take control over it which we have learnt from other countries .

One important is that while staying at home , remember and pray for people who are working while putting their lives at risk . Remember the doctors , nurses , paramedics , pathologists who are working day and night to save lives hospital administration , ambulance drivers , ward boys , serving other services in this tough time

All you need to know about nation wide lock down

*About 67 days are taken to reach 1 lakh patients all over world and 11 days for 2 lakh and it get 3 lakh in just 4 days so get know that how rapidly this virus is spreading from one person to other person .
Experts and the experience of other countries fighting with deadly virus make it clear that the social distancing is the only way to combat this disease .

* There will complete bar on people from stepping outside from their homes .

* If we don't handle these in 21 days well , then our country , your family will go backwards by 21 years , said PM .

* PM says that the decision will have an economic cost but saving people's life is the paramount interest to his government . 


Affected :: 519
Death :: 10
Treated and get well :: about 40

So I am requesting to every one be quarantine at your home and be safe think about yourself and think about your family and nation . 

Jai hind

If you do not watch it then visit from here to watch an appurtenant by PM

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