First of all thank to all my reader to help me approaching 1K views on this blog "THEASURUS".

We are in the midst of an unprecedented situation where the spread of coronavirus 2 disease is disastrous increasing day by day . We all are watching that the cases of patient of coronavirus 2 is increasing rapidly . So it's our responsibility to stay alert and wash your hands continually after a given time lapse and maintain your immunity .

On behalf of this we also have to be thankful for those people who are helping us continually without taking any break I am saying about the Doctors and all those staff who are working their . They are the #coronafighter so we have to be thankful to him .

 One thing that why i am saying all time it coronavirus 2 because it strain like SARS virus which first came in year 2002 95% genetic behavior is similar like SARS .

We are watching that people are in more panic due to this coronavirus 2 . Not to be get panic recently a person commit suicide without knowing about his status corona report so don't spread any rumor and we need crack down on fake news .In recent due to these fake news Consumers scramble to stock up food items .

Due to this world facing a economic loss SENSEX ends 1,700 point in red . And also its a good effort by our country to lead the world for taking essential steps to take over on covid-19 #SAARC Meeting . World in under in a health emergency so due this all things get shut down football matches movies shooting and highway are now like deserted road .

But aside all things one thing is good that river canal are now get cleanes in other countries pollution get decreased and air quality index is better than 30 years . So remember do not touch anything while you are outside because this virus survive on steel and plastic for 3 days study says .

As hon. PM says all have to stay at home on 22 march this Sunday this is the JANTA CURFEW .

So stay at home and be healthy do not get panic and do not spread any rumor because rumor is much dangerous than any virus .

Rumors are carried by haters , spread by fools and accepted by idiots .

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