What is G-7?
The G-7 or "Group of seven " mainly is a group of seven countries named Canada, France, Germany,Italy, Japan,United Kingdom, United States. It is an intergovernmental organisation that was formed in 1975 by the top economics of the time as an informal forum to discuss world issues.Canada joined the group in 1976 , and the European union began attending in 1977. The G-7 has been solving many problems from many years and done meetings on serious issues in past they discuss about oil crashes in 1970s , financial crisis , terrorism ,arms control and drug trafficking.
The G-7 was known as G-8 for several years when Russia joined it in 1997 but the Group was returned to its original G-7 when Russia expelled as a member in 2014. Since several times america's President Donald Trump has suggested that Russia will be added again. The G-7 does not have a formal constitution or a fixed headquarter . The decisions taken by leaders during annual summits are non-binding. The rise of India , China and Brazil over the past few decades has reduced the G-7's relevance whose share in global GDP has fallen to around 40%. There are also another group like G-20 which was formed in 1999 large group of countries which include all G-7 members also and additional it include India,Argentina,Australia,Brazil,China,Indonesia,Mexico,Russia,Saudi Arabia,South Korea and turkey.
Why Donald Trump wants India to be in G-7?

Recently US president Donald Trump has advocated the expansion of Group of Seven and he wants to invite four more countries Russia, India, Australia, South Korea to be permanent and made this G-11 but Russia refused to be a part of G-7 and Russia wants to include China also we will talk about this below. Lets talk about why Donald trump want India to be in G-7.
What did Donald Trump said?
"I am postponing G-7 summit because i don't feel that as a G-7 it properly represents what's going on in the world".
Simple thing is that the participation and eventual inclusion of these four countries could certainly add more weight to the grouping's profile. However with the exclusion of China , one of the fastest growing economic group will look incomplete said by Russia.
As for India this could be second successive presence in summit and this shows that world now cannot ignore the presence of India in important summits. India also response positively to the invitation for joining G-7 also other 2 countries are ready to join G-11 but many European are not in support for making Russia a part of G-11.
Controversy related to Russia as part of G-7!

As we all know that why G-7 invite Russia and India it just to target China but Russia refused to be a part of G-7 until China is also be included in G-7 . Germany , France and Canada can also blocked the entry of Russia in G-7 from various issues but beside primarily Russia first release this statement that they will be came when China also be included.
Konstantin Kosachev :: " The Russian lawmaker also said Moscow was't enthusiastic about US President Donald Trump's invite to 4 countries , including Russia and India , for G-7 as it didn't want to join any bloc or alliance against China , Trumps wants a number of country to get a number together for some form of joint opposition to China that's the current strategy of the Americans. I am absolutely against building any bloc or coalitions aimed against a third country". He was famous Russian lawmaker and he gives only primarily statements.
India has deep political engagement with Russia and China through various international groups for example (BRICS,G-20,SCO and RIC). So Russia openly called this expansion as anti China so if there will be discussion about hong kong,taiwan so there will be also signed by India so there will be a negative impact on other groups also and it also disturbs the relationship between India and Russia so this will be a challenge for India in upcoming years when India will be a part of G-7. Both Russia and China oppose the US led Liberal hegemony as it does no take their interests into account and Russia thinks that all policies of Americans always against Russia and China. Always russia and china are against US as we can venenzula incident against USA. The Russian government said it planned to increase the volume of bilateral trade with China to $200 billion by 2024 , while the volume of Russian - Indian trade is expected to reach $30 billion over the same period. Right now bilateral trade between Russia and India is around $12 billion dollars.So trade volume between Russia-India is less than Russia-china , this is mainly due to our confusing trading policies as we are hadn't focus on manufacturing now we are now started with Make In India to manufacture products in our country. Another issue why Russia China relationship are strong now is that they large military engagement between them and they are continuously perform large military exercises together. Russia also supplied the advance Su-35 fighter jets to China and pushing to buy more which are not they had given to India and Russia wants China also buy their Su-57 fighter jets and all know what china do with that they give it to Pakistan and also do joint military exercise with pakistan so they are well know about this technology and India also going to buy Su-400 but now impact of these are less because Pakistan already know about this technology , Russia till now supply jet engines to China because China didn't manufactures engines now so they get it from Russia.
Now conclusion is that Russia-China ties have deepened way more than India now. This will put pressure on India to carefully conduct its relations with G-7 countries , unless India and US will be in one block and Russia and China will be in one block and their relationship will more deepened with time. So its time for India to make less dependence on Russian weapons and still focus on other from where we are getting now like US , France and Israel . Some of them also thinking now that Russia is Best friend of India but the reality is far from their thinking and reality is this which I elaborate above.
Jai Hind